Does the Leader help you grow?

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”- Dalai Lama.
The above is advice suitable for corporate leaders and others, as well. Especially, people in positions in organizations tend to do what they like, without looking at an issue from the point of view of the employee. Some leaders think as long as they pay a salary and bribe employees with a bonus, they have done their duty. Employees should question whether they’re advancing in their careers or becoming better at ‘sucking up’ to such bosses. If your current boss is limiting your growth potential, consider changing jobs.

When evaluating career options you should consider how the boss might contribute to your personal growth. Cannot put a price tag on an attentive boss who is willing to coach you in life skills. Look for a boss who gives honest, candid feedback and is willing to take chances on people. Some bosses are more willing than others to try job development on people but combined with thoughtful coaching. It should not be a case of pushing you into the deep end and then walking away.

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.”- Eleanor Roosevelt

To take advantage of such coaching bosses, you also need to be passionate about the same work. Taking responsibility for your personal growth provides something that can be even more valuable: a sense of control over your own career and your own future. When you take control of your personal growth, you can use the coaching from your boss more constructively and gain confidence that your future rests, well and truly, in your own hands.

About surenraj

“Views expressed are my own”
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